September 07, 2020 3 min read

What does a typical office setting smell like? You might say much like the smoky scent of coffee or a unique smell of your colleague's perfume. Or just an odorless office with a dull environment. No matter what the smell is, it will impact your work quality and productivity.
However, working remotely makes you a master of your own universe, and you can create the environment accordingly. This allows you to be creative and gives you the liberty to improve the fragrance of your workstation by using scented candles.

According to NPD Group, the sales of scented candles sales in the US increased by 13% from April to June compared to dropping sales of skincare, perfumes, and makeup. This is because the remote workers have experimented with different ideas to make their workspaces more productive and improve the fragrance of the space. Hence, you will even enjoy creating your boring Excel spreadsheets in a calm, soothing, fragrant environment.
Read the article to understand how the candles from the Appalachian Trail collection, such as Mason Jar All Signature Scents Collection, can improve your workstation's atmosphere.

Candle Scent: Feeling of Adventure and Self-Care

As the culture of working from home is increasing, the fragrance market is offering people to opt for safe and soothing aromas such as baby powder and lavender. Instead, Southern Elegance, which offers a wide variety of candle scents, saw a surge in adventurous smells. Wondering why people are switching to these scents with Southern charm?

Well, people get bored in their four walls and want something for a sensory escape. They want a sense of jolt or adventure. They feel the urge to explore the beauty of nature and smell the scents of wood and herbs. These aromas are also helpful in pushing away the feeling of anxiety and depression, which usually people face in a closed environment.

Not only this, but these candles in your workstation also help you to become more focused on your task and become the best player in your game. Are you one of those people who fell asleep during work? Then you can take help from the soft and green nature scents. They have the ability to make you more energetic and active. Hence, encouraging you to become a master in your work.

Believe It Or Not, Aromas Can Affect Your Productivity

Yes, you heard it right. Some aromas have the ability to wake your inner dull, and inactive soul. They can kick off your procrastination and improve your productivity, but obviously, if you choose the right fragrance for your workstation.

Appalachian Trail Collection also has great scented candles designed to give you a feeling of nature, adventure, happiness, and calmness in your close environment. Hence, the calm, soothing environment can help increase your productivity and meet deadlines.
Have you ever got stressed when your boss asked you to prepare a report in three hours? Next time you face this problem, just light up the candle, and see the results. The fragrances in your room will first make you relax and help you think properly and boom! You will complete your task before the due time.

Bottom Line

So, if you want to improve the ambiance of the space where you spend at least eight hours of the day, i.e., remote workstation, you can bring the Appalachian Trail Collection. You will be happily surprised by seeing the change in the rhythm of your work.


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